Search by author: Thomas Neukirch

Thomas Neukirch

PhD Opportunity for 2025

For 2025 our group has one STFC funded studentship available for a project supervised by Dr. Andy Wright entitled “Theory and Simulations of Space Weather in the Earth’s Magnetosphere”. For more details see this advert…

Welcome to our new PhD Students

The SMTG welcomes its two new PhD students James Brooks and Qihui Ming. James will be working with Tom Elsden on magnetospheric ULF waves and Qihui with Alex Russell on magnetic reconnection.

Farewell to Jordi De Jonghe

The SMTG says “Goodbye” to our PostDoc Jordi De Jonghe who is starting a personal 3-year PostDoctoral Fellowship at the Centre for Plasma Astrophysics, KU Leuven, Belgium from 4 November 2024 onwards. Farewell, Jordi,…

STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships 2024

The Solar and Magnetospheric Theory Group (SMTG), School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews encourages expressions of interest for the 
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship. The School of Mathematics…

Welcome to Jordi De Jonghe

Welcome to our Jordi De Jonghe, who has joined the group as an STFC-funded PDRA. Jordi has recently completed his PhD at KU Leuven, Belgium, under the supervision of Rony Keppens.

Welcome (back) to Alex Russell

Welcome (back) to Alex Russell who has joined the Solar and Magnetospheric Theory Group as a Senior Lecturer. Alex was an undergraduate and PhD student in St Andrews and has since worked at the Universities of Glasgow…

PDRA Vacancy

The SMTG has just advertised for a PDRA in solar and/or magnetospheric theory (application deadline 19 June 2023). The post is funded by STFC for 18 months. Details can be found on the University of St Andrews…

Welcome to Daniel Johnson

Welcome to our new STFC-funded PDRA Daniel Johnson, who joined the group to work with Ineke De Moortel and Alan Hood on coronal heating problems.

Welcome to our new PhD students

The SMTG welcomes our new PhD students Sophie Boswell (Supervisor Thomas Neukirch), Jonah Klowss (Supervisor Duncan Mackay) and Anmol Kumar (Supervisor Ineke De Moortel).