PhD positions

For 2025 our group has one STFC funded studentship available for a project supervised by Dr. Andy Wright entitled “Theory and Simulations of Space Weather in the Earth’s Magnetosphere”. For more details see this advert on the Find-a-PhD webpage.

General Information

The Solar & Magnetospheric Theory Group, in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, is concerned with the investigation of fundamental plasma physics problems relating to the Sun and to planetary magnetospheres.

We are a large group of applied mathematicians concerned with the greater understanding of a wide range of solar phenomena, including sunspots, prominences, coronal heating, magnetic fields and reconnection, magnetic waves and instabilities, solar flares, and helioseismology and particle acceleration. Connections with solar-terrestrial physics are also studied.

We actively seek outstanding final year undergraduates, expected to gain a First or good Upper Second class degree in a mathematically based subject (eg., applied mathematics, astrophysics, theoretical physics), interested in joining us to do a PhD degree. No prior knowledge of solar physics is required. We hold a number of STFC studentships, offering full financial support to suitably qualified students.