Seminars 2020 – 2021

20/01 Prof. Louise Harra (PMOD/WRC & ETH Zurich) Getting closer to the Sun – sources of the solar wind Teams
27/01 Dr Vaibhav Pant (ARIES, India) Bayesian inference of Prominence Seismology Teams
03/02 Prof. Philippa Browning (Manchester) Plasma heating and particle acceleration in twisted flux ropes in solar and stellar flares Teams
10/02 Dr James Klimchuk (NASA/GSFC) Heating of the Magnetically Closed Corona Teams (3pm)
17/02 Dr Alexei Borissov Basics of code profiling and scaling Teams
24/02 Ms Teri Love Analysing Solar Flare Observations Teams
03/03 No Seminar Staff Council  
10/03 Dr Paolo Pagano (Palermo) What we know about wave heating modelling. Or maybe not. Teams
17/03 No Seminar Spring Break  
24/03 No Seminar Spring Break  
31/03 Prof. Andrew Hillier (Exeter) Kelvin-Helmholtz turbulence: Constraints on heating and mixing, and what these can tell us about coronal heating Teams
07/04 Mr Alexander Prokopyszyn Mode coupling at the transition region and the validity of line-tied boundary conditions Teams
14/04 Ms Lianne Fyfe Overview of my PhD: Forward Modelling Teams
21/04 Mr Callan Noble An overview of population adjustment techniques for network meta-analysis. Teams
28/04 Mr Georgios Chouliaras The effect of partial ionization on flux emergence process and solar eruptions Teams
05/05 Mr Harry Callingham The effects of phase mixing on the transverse density gradient in coronal loops Teams
12/05 Ms Rachel Davies Wave Coupling in the Io – Jupiter Flux Tube Teams
19/05 No Seminar due to UK MHD Meeting  
26/05 Ms Kate Mowbray Collapsing trap models for particle acceleration in solar flares Teams
02/06 Ms Lilli Nadol Analytical 3D MHS Models for Solar Magnetic Fields Teams
09/06 Ms Ann Vaseekar Solar magnetic field observations and models Teams
30/06 Dr David Pascoe Modern Diagnostic Techniques for Stellar Atmospheres Teams
30/09 Dr Tim Duckenfield (Warwick) Slow mode waves in a finite-beta plasma: the effects of heating/cooling misbalance Teams
07/10 Dr Thomas Howson Coronal heating in a magnetic arcade Teams
14/10 No Seminar Staff Council  
21/10 Dr Jack Reid DC coronal heating: MHD avalanches Teams
28/10 Prof. Boris Gudiksen (Oslo) Non-thermal particles in the solar atmosphere Teams
04/11 No Seminar    
11/11 Dr Paolo Pagano CMEs Models for Space Weather and Solar Orbiter Teams
18/11 Dr Alex James (ESA: ESAC) A new trigger mechanism for coronal mass ejections Teams
25/11 Dr Alex Russell (Dundee) Nonlinear Tensor Viscosity, Alfvén Waves & Heating of the Sun’s Open Corona Teams
02/12 No Seminar    
09/12 Ms Megan Maunder (Exeter) Multi-Spacecraft Observations of a New Type of High-Latitude ICME Team